Tax Competition, Tax Co-Operation and BEPS


  • Richard Collier Associate Fellow, Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation, Oxford, U.K.
  • Giorgia Maffini International Fellow, Oxford University, Oxford, U.K.; Fellow, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy


The OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project was initiated to tackle the cross-country tax avoidance practices of multinational companies (MNEs). We argue that the BEPS project inevitably impacts a range of existing tax competition policies pursued by states to lower the costs of capital with a view to attracting mobile investment and profits, and, hence, MNEs. Despite the measures to be introduced by BEPS, tax competition practices will continue, mainly because coordination is not incentive-compatible. However, the nature of tax competition will change as a result of BEPS. Before BEPS, tax competition policies were a mix of low statutory rates and specialised regimes designed to accommodate specific activities or transactions. After BEPS, tax competition policies are likely to become more rate-based. Governments will have to tighten some specific regimes aimed at attracting highly mobile capital and profits, such as the patent box regime, rulings arrangements and interest deductions. At the same time, they may reduce the tax burden on mobile and non-mobile activities by implementing economy-wide cuts (chiefly through tax rate cuts) allowed under BEPS. Many countries, including France, Italy, Japan, Spain and the UK, have announced cuts in the corporate statutory tax rate. To foster real investment, governments could also increase depreciation allowances or introduce an Allowance for Corporate Equity (ACE). The interesting feature of the ACE in the context of BEPS is that it reduces the incentive to classify financing instruments as tax-advantaged debt.


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Volume 3.1 of JOTA - Collier and Maffinni Cover




How to Cite

Collier, R., & Maffini, G. (2017). Tax Competition, Tax Co-Operation and BEPS. Journal of Tax Administration, 3(1), 22–56. Retrieved from