Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a charge to read the Journal of Tax Administration

JOTA is an open access journal so all issues of the journal are available to read free of charge on our website. 

How can I register with JOTA’s website?

At present, we do not enable visitors to register with our website. However, you do not need to be registered with the website in order to download and read the current issue or previous issues of our journal. You can submit papers for consideration by email and can sign up to our mailing list to receive news about the journal and our activities. You can also follow us on social media.

How can I submit a paper to the Journal of Tax Administration?

You can submit articles, short notes, commentaries, and reviews to us by email. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with our submissions process and the authors’ responsibilities within our Ethics and Malpractice Statement before doing so, and follow our author guidelines.

Is there a charge to submit a manuscript to JOTA for consideration?

No. As an open access journal, we do not impose any submissions charges. 

How long will take for you to make a decision about my manuscript?

The length of the review process will vary depending on the type of paper that you submit. Articles and short notes are subject to a double-blind peer review process while commentaries and reviews are usually reviewed by the journal’s editors. Full details of these processes and the likely timescales involved are detailed in our Submission, Review, and Publication Processes section.

Does JOTA have any accreditations or appear in any journal rankings lists?

The journal appears in The Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS)’ Academic Journal Guide (AJG) and is graded as a 2. We are currently working on gaining further accreditations and rankings.