Cookies Notice

The Journal of Tax Administration’s website uses cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer or mobile phone’s web browser by websites that you visit. They can be used to track the way in which you use the website and help you to interact with and use the website again with ease. They can, for example, be utilised to personalise your website experience, or could be analysed by the service provider to help to understand how you navigate your way around a site so as to improve the wider user experience.

Types of Cookies

Cookies can generally be divided into two categories: essential and non-essential. Essential cookies are required in order for a website to operate and for visitors to be able to utilise it. Non-essential cookies can be used to perform functions such as tracking visitors, collecting data for analytics purposes, and for advertising.

Our Use of Cookies

JOTA currently only uses essential cookies on our website. We utilise them solely for the purpose of maintaining user sessions, and they are essential for providing you with a seamless browsing experience. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the use of these session cookies.

The only cookies that we use are:

• OJSSID – Due to the absence of any stored personal data, the OJS platform needs to store on your device a randomly-generated ID in the form of this session cookie. This ensures that the server delivers the correct content to each of the users connected to it at any given time.
• cookie_notice – This records the fact that a user has acknowledged our cookie pop-up.

We do not use any third-party cookies for tracking or advertising purposes.

Managing Cookies On Your Devices

If you want your device to refuse cookies, you should be able to change the settings in your browser accordingly. You can also use your browser’s tools to clear cookies from your device. However, refusing or clearing cookies may affect the way in which you can use our website and may prevent you from using some sections of it.

For more information about how to manage your cookies preferences, visit your browser developer’s website.