Proposal for Voluntary Disclosure in China


  • Noam Noked Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Yan Xu Associate Professor, School of Taxation and Business Law, University of New South Wales, Australia


China, Tax Amnesty, Tax Enforcement, Voluntary Disclosure


How should taxpayers who have not complied with their Chinese tax obligations voluntarily correct their tax affairs? Many countries have adopted tax amnesties and voluntary disclosure procedures for that purpose. Unlike those countries, China does not have nationwide voluntary disclosure procedures. However, the Chinese tax authorities frequently reduce or waive penalties for taxpayers who voluntarily disclose their noncompliance and settle their unpaid taxes. This article calls for the adoption of nationwide voluntary disclosure procedures in China and explores the design considerations of such procedures. As China is modernizing its tax laws and strengthening its tax enforcement, this proposal is worth serious consideration.


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Volume 6.1 of JOTA - Noked and Xu Cover




How to Cite

Noked, N., & Xu, Y. (2020). Proposal for Voluntary Disclosure in China. Journal of Tax Administration, 6(1), 190–212. Retrieved from