Review of Recent Literature
Use of Administrative Data, Developing Countries, Non-Compliance: Underreporting, Corruption, Anti-Avoidance Rules, Tex Enforcement, Compliance: Nudges, Compliance Experiments, Audits, Tax Administrations, International TaxAbstract
Alm, J., Cifuentes, L. R., Niño, C. M. O., & Rocha, J. Can behavioral “nudges” improve compliance? The case of Colombia social protection contributions, Games, 10(4), 43.
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Boonzaaier, W., Harju, J., Matikka, T., & Pirttilä, J. (2019). How do small firms respond to tax schedule discontinuities? Evidence from South African tax registers. International Tax and Public Finance, 26(5), 1104-1136.
Caldeira, E., Geourjon, A.-M., & Rota-Graziosi, G. (2019). Taxing aid: The end of a paradox? International Tax and Public Finance, 27(1), 240-255.
Casal, S., Grimm, V., & Schächtele, S. (2019). Taxation with mobile high-income agents: Experimental evidence on tax compliance and equity perceptions. Games, 10(4), 42.
Castañeda, N., & Doyle, D. (2019). Progressive tax policy and informal labor in developing economies. Governance, 32(4), 1-24.
Chan, H. F., Dulleck, U., & Torgler, B. (2019). Response times and tax compliance. Games, 10(4), 45.
Chatzivgeri, E., Chew, L., Crawford, L., Gordon, M., & Haslam, J. (in press). Transparency and accountability for the global good? The UK’s implementation of EU law requiring country-by-country reporting of payments to governments by extractives. Critical Perspectives on Accounting.
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Christensen, R. C., & Hearson, M. (2019). The new politics of global tax governance: Taking stock a decade after the financial crisis. Review of International Political Economy, 26(5), 1068-1088.
Dabla-Norris, E., Misch, F., Cleary, D., Khwaja, M. (2019). The quality of tax administration and firm performance: evidence from developing countries. International Tax and Public Finance. Advance online publication.
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Gunter, S. R. (2018). Your biggest refund, guaranteed? Internet access, tax filing method, and reported tax liability. International Tax and Public Finance, 26(3), 536-570.
Kukk, M., Paulus, A., & Staehr, K. (2019). Cheating in Europe: Underreporting of self-employment income in comparative perspective. International Tax and Public Finance. Advance online publication.
Lips, W. (2018). Great powers in global tax governance: A comparison of the US role in the CRS and BEPS. Globalizations, 16(1), 104-119.
Li, W., Pittman, J. A., & Wang, Z.-T. (2019). The determinants and consequences of tax audits: Some evidence from China. The Journal of the American Taxation Association, 41(1), 91-122.
Liu, C., & Mikesell, J. L. (2018). Corruption and tax structure in American states. The American Review of Public Administration, 49(5), 585-600.
Oats, L., & Tuck, P. (2019). Corporate tax avoidance: Is tax transparency the solution? Accounting and Business Research, 49(5), 565-583.
Ogembo, D. L. A. (2019). The Tax Justice Network-Africa v Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury & 2 others: a big win for tax justice activism? British Tax Review, 2019(2), 105-117.
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Swanson, L. A., & Bruni-Bossio, V. A. (2019). A righteous undocumented economy. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(1), 225-237.
Titus, A. (2019). Designing a general anti-avoidance rule for the East African community – A comparative analysis. World Tax Journal,11(2), 291-300.
van Apeldoorn, L. (2019). A sceptic's guide to justice in international tax policy. Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 32(2), 499-512.
Wynter, C. B., & Oats, L. (2019). Knock, knock: The taxman’s at your door! Practice sense, empathy games, and dilemmas in tax enforcement. Journal of Business Ethics. Advance online publication.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Lorenz Adams, Shaun Grimshaw, Guylaine Nouwoue, Luca Salvadori

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