Becoming a Peer Reviewer for JOTA

We use the services of an array of peer reviewers in order to assess whether or not manuscripts submitted for potential inclusion in the Articles and Short Notes sections of the Journal of Tax Administration are suitable for publication. This enables us to ensure that the papers included in our journal are of the highest quality. 

How We Select Peer Reviewers

The editors select peer reviewers based on their qualifications, experience, and expertise in the topic area of the paper undergoing review. We often send invitations to potential reviewers based on their academic profiles, academic contributions, or CVs. We also send out review invitations to potential referees as a result of personal recommendations from editorial board members and other reviewers.

How to Apply to be a Peer Reviewer

We are happy to receive applications from suitably qualified and experienced parties who would like to become peer reviewers for the journal. If you are considering applying to become a reviewer for JOTA, please:

Should you still wish to apply, please contact us via email, including full details of your qualifications, experience, and reasons for wishing to become a reviewer for the Journal of Tax Administration.

The Benefits of Being a Peer Reviewer for JOTA

While we are unable to pay peer reviewers for their work, acting as a reviewer for JOTA could help you to:

  • Make an important contribution to advancing academic research into tax administration.
  • Keep up to date with the latest developments in the field.
  • Read new papers about tax administration before publication.
  • Enhance your own writing and research skills.
  • Improve your C.V.


See also: