Key Information

Paper Length

The word count limits for submissions to each section of the Journal of Tax Administration are as follows:

  • Articles: 5,000 to 15,000 words.
  • Commentaries: 2,500 to 10,000 words.
  • Short Notes: Up to 5,000 words.
  • Reviews: 500 to 2,000 words.

Previously Published and Redundant Work

Unfortunately, we are unable to consider work that has already been published, either in whole or in part, elsewhere. 

If you submit a manuscript to us, we will take this to mean that it is an unpublished work. However, we would also appreciate it if you could confirm in your cover letter that your work has not already been published elsewhere. If an earlier version of your manuscript has been circulated prior to submission as a discussion paper, or an e-preprint, please state this in your cover letter.

In addition, we will not consider submissions that are considered to be “redundant”. Such submissions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Work that has been divided into sections (or “salami-sliced”) to create more than one paper for potential publication by this journal and/or other publishers.
  • Papers based on study findings that have already been published elsewhere, unless there is a valid reason for doing this, the correct permissions have been gained and provided to the journal’s managing editors prior to or at the time of submission, and the original work has been fully and accurately cited.
  • Papers that include content that you have taken directly from, adapted from, or paraphrased from any of your own or your co-authors’ previous or forthcoming papers unless the correct permissions have been gained and provided to the journal’s managing editors prior to or at the time of submission, and the original work has been fully and accurately cited. 
  • Papers that you have based on any previous or forthcoming paper to which you have added only limited new content and/or data.
  • Translations of existing or forthcoming papers unless the proper permissions have been obtained and provided to the journal’s managing editors prior to, or at the time of, submission.

Simultaneous and Multiple Submissions

We are unable to consider work that is under consideration by other outlets. Should you wish to submit a manuscript that is under consideration by the Journal of Tax Administration to another publisher, please contact us to withdraw it first.  If you submit work to us, we will take this to mean that it is not under consideration by any other outlet. However, we would also be grateful if you could confirm this in your covering correspondence.

Should you wish to submit more than one paper to JOTA, please submit these sequentially and wait for the editors’ decision about each paper before submitting the next paper for consideration.

Submission Costs

As an open access publication, the Journal of Tax Administration does not charge authors for submitting papers. For more information about this, see our Open Access, Licensing, and Copyright Policies page.

Copyright Information

Our open access status means that authors retain the copyright of their work. However, all papers published in JOTA are done so under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International  license (CC BY). This means that others can share and/or adapt your work without your permission as long as they follow certain rules, including attributing your work correctly.

You can learn more about this on our Open Access, Licensing, and Copyright Policies page.

See also: